The Season of Splintering

The Season of Splintering

Somewhere in this nation there are probably folks who are celebrating the United Methodist Judicial Council’s decision #1341.  The body ruled that the consecration of Bishop Karen Oliveto in the Western Jurisdiction was a breaking of church law.  Somewhere.  Somewhere they must be slapping one another on the back, saying “we did it, we fixed it.”  Somewhere.

There was nothing fixed by this.  This whole kerfuffle just adds more fissures undermining the denomination’s ability to remain “united” Methodist.  Our energies, mission, identity and witness — all are predictably falling to pieces.  And somewhere there are folks who think they have won something. 

It is just one more indication that we are further removing ourselves from being a church for others, a church that shares the good news of the love of Christ for all people.  Busy with trials we miss finding ways forward that can acknowledge God’s call on many and diverse people — all being able to carry the name “United Methodist.”  This is placing ever more stress on the cracks in the earthen vessel we call the church.  And, somewhere there is celebration.

The Judicial Council’s decision ironically says that Karen Oliveto “remains in good standing as a clergy person” and now must be granted a “fair process” as to her ordination status.  A fair process based on whose assessment?  Is there one annual conference that has the perfect evaluation for clergy qualifications for all other conferences? Is the Judicial Council saying that the California-Nevada Conference got it wrong in assessing who might best serve in their area in ordaining Bishop Oliveto in the first place?  Should Bishop Oliveto have been judged by another better suited group?  Maybe a body in Texas, Mississippi, Indiana or Congo?

Somewhere there is joy.  Somewhere hearts are light.  It is the Western Jurisdiction that now has been named the “fall guy” in this travesty.  They are the one’s who failed when they consecrated Karen.  Is that it?

Oh yes, and why do we have Jurisdictional structures in the first place?  Is there any memory that back at the time when the Methodist Episcopal Church North and South came together that the south didn’t want to have any of those northern bishops overseeing their conferences?  Is there memory of the desire to keep segregation alive by setting up a separate “Central Jurisdiction” for blacks?  Not wanting to welcome persons without distinction or category, the southern church (aided and abetted by many in the north) “allowed” black Methodists to have a separate jurisdiction.

I know something of the south and value so much of what I know.  My college and seminary work were done in Wilmore, Kentucky at Asbury College and Seminary.  There are so many good things represented by these schools, especially the commitment that was once focused on mission.  At the same time this is were some of the seeds of perfectionism, and the proclivity to exclude and divide, are sown. 

Chapel was required at Asbury College.  My seat mate was Patty.  Patty was remarkable — talented and intelligent and had a nose for prejudice and discrimination.   If a sermon was racist or sexist or dismissive of those who were, dear God, liberals or Democrats, Patty would smile and whisper “Holiness Unto the Lord Has Nineteen Letters.”  She was saying to me “count the letters on at the front of the auditorium and ignore this simplistic drivel.”  Once after chapel she confided that “too many of these folks need an enemy to feel good about themselves.”  Patty didn’t acknowledge much else about her identity, her background or her pain — but I knew she carried a burden and a wisdom beyond my experience.

Front of Hughes Auditorium, Asbury University

Fortunately, most of my experiences in chapel were uplifting and valued.  Still Patty had it right, I think.  She died a few years back — may eternal light be upon her.  Often these days I think of her and the code she was sending by whispering “Holiness Unto the Lord has nineteen letters.”  Many, many good folks attended Asbury and learned the lesson that Patty was teaching me.  Sadly, others from Wilmore, and ones who claim to be shaped by the “holiness tradition,” carry on the tendency toward exclusion and now sow the seeds for this splintering in the denomination.

In many respects the Civil War didn’t end one hundred and fifty years ago.  It simply has shape-shifted into new forms and battles.  Old style bigotrys turn into new ones and every generation struggles with permutations of false perfections that lead to such splintering and pain.

The splintering that has been a part of so many other denominations in recent years, is upon us in United Methodism.  It arrives now in real and troubling ways.  In truth, neither side, of the many sides in this tragedy, wins. 

I recently visited with a friend, a middle-aged father.  He was a cradle United Methodist coming from a family with deep links to the leadership and hierarchy of the denomination.  As we talked, he spoke with pride of his talented son, a young adult just beginning his higher education.  Then my friend said, “It was during the 2016 General Conference sessions that my son told me he was gay.  I have lost any pride in my United Methodist legacy since that day.”  It was heart wrenching. Here is the irony — the son still finds a home in a fine United Methodist congregation in the south.  I wonder for how long this will last, given the splintering at hand?

I am struck by how many of the “leaders” of the groups pushing for perfection have not served as pastors, or at least not pastors in places where there are diverse populations.  Perhaps this falls in the category of “enough said;” even so, I think back on the way God opened my eyes to the beauty of others who were different from me.  It has been in the relationships with others that I saw the greater gift of God’s realm on earth.  And I still think of Patty.

During this splintering season, I think of all the pastors who have children, or siblings, who are gay.  And, of course, I think of all the pastors (closeted and out) and lay leaders (closeted and out) who are gay.  Somewhere there is celebration.   Not among these good folks.  We have substituted rules for relationships and… I believe we have snuffed out the very essence of the gospel.

Somewhere there is celebration.  I know this — those who “celebrate” and will either take control or break away carry within their theology and world view the seeds for another splintering, and another, and another. This is the way perfectionism thrives until it is a majority of one.

Some may celebrate.  I weep, I grieve.  The church of Jesus Christ will go forward, even as we United Methodists splinter. 

11 thoughts on “The Season of Splintering

  1. Imagine you are heading against traffic on the road you will be in danger of getting killed or hurt. People will try and warn you of the danger it would be foolish not to heed the warning.
    See it is not that we hate people going the wrong direction it is that we love them enough not wanting to see them hurt.
    Remember if other people join them going the wrong direction it doesn’t change the fact that they are heading the wrong direction.


    1. Dear Jim, Thanks for this; however, this is not a traffic problem. It is not a war. It is the church’s opportunity, our opportunity, to grow in understanding and discover together God’s marvelously created family.


  2. When you think, so very rightly, of “the pastors who have children, or siblings, who are gay. And, of course, . . of all the pastors (closeted and out) and lay leaders (closeted and out) who are gay,” please think also of the straight spouses of LGBT+ individuals. The Church’s rule-bound approach utterly fails us.


  3. Regardless of where we attended seminary or other “religious” backround or feel strongly on the issue at hand, the bottom line whether I like it or not, is “God’s love is from above” and made up of nineteen letters, to which we all are to be accountable.


  4. Thank you for your words, Phil. Just as you say you never got to know Patty’s story behind her words, I believe that there are stories on the conservative side of this issue that we will never come to know, because, as I believe is suggested by the words of Jonathan M., such persons as have these stories keep them to themselves, thinking that telling them, let alone gaining a different perspective from them than the one they have, is “giving in to American individualism and hedonism” rather than as seeing that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and yet that “nothing can separate us [children of God] from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.” Were we all to tell our stories without fear of judgment and, thereby, see ourselves both in need of grace and, being accepted by other sinners as siblings in Christ, as recipients of the grace we need, we might all find the healing God wants all of us to have and, based on our newly healed lives in concert with others who have likewise been healed, might then discover the resources to build God’s Beloved Community here on earth and not have to wait until “we all get to heaven.” Our prayer that God’s realm come and God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven will actually find its fulfillment. That already happens in some places, but too few. I’m thankful some of us have experienced it, however privately, and sometimes publicly, though perhaps rarely and fleetingly. You have helped and continue to help many do so. Thank you.
    Doug Asbury


  5. Thank you for your thoughts Dr Amerson. But I must say If different means anything goes as you seem to be insinuating I think that idea has been influenced by American Law and culture, ie personal experience and personal logic more than by Scripture, the church, communal logic and experience. As I believe you would agree There is a difference between different and sinful. You might disagree as to what is sinful vs. different but let me ask you how you decide that in light of What we would call the Wesleyan Quadrilateral or any other theologizing that does not hold American individualism and hedonistic freedom at its center? I would be interested to hear more and respectfully share these opinions in that spirit.


    1. Thanks for your perspective, Jonathan. Your comment pushes us in the right direction, I think. Yes, to employing tools like the quadrilateral and to working together on a scriptural hermaneutic that critiques our individualism, hedonistic emphasis on freedom and the substituting of zero sum winning and losing for more humble approaches to living and learning together.

      I continue to be amazed that step by step along the way to our current situation the “rules” and “church law” are based on the political maneuvering that led to a small majority of votes at several General Conferences and at the South Central Jurisdictional Conference that brought the complaint against this bishop. At each juncture, I wish we had followed your suggestion of prayer and study of scripture together. We might not come to agreement — but I believe there would be more understanding. This is just a part of what I mean by knowing and being shaped by our “difference.”


      1. Thank you for your comments and deep thinking. I wonder if understanding might be enough to lead us forward instead of speaking past one another as we seem to be good at.

        In Christ


  6. Psalm 133:1
    “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”

    Come on everyone, give it up for God.
    Member, Trinity United Methodist Church,
    Gainesville, Florida


  7. Thank you, Phil. Many of us Asburians value so much of what we found there but have also rejected much of what we found there. If I hhave erred in life, I decided many years ago that I would err on the side of love and acceptance. I will take my chances before the Throne of Grace. Bless you.


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